Meniu ☶


We are a meeting and event planning company with over 12 years of experience in organizing business-to-business events (conferences, gala awards, trainings and workshops) , aiming to provide interactive & insightful information, analysis effective solutions and best practices about issues facing businesses today in Romania as well as in CEE Europe, along with high-level speakers, both local and international.

Our Events

Marketing & Communication Events
Are an efficient way of discovering innovations and of learning how to communicate interactively.

New Media & Internet Events
Are a great opportunity to learn the latest about technology and to be inspired by successful people.

Production & Retail Events
Offer the chance to network, hear from leading practitioners and discuss the issues of the day.

Legal & Taxation Events
Debate the latest opportunities in mergers, acquisitions, investments and technology innovation.

Real Estate & Investment Events
Bring together the most influential professionals to explore property development projects.

Human Resources
Be informed about the latest updates in the recruitment process and legal risks in human resources.

Pharmaceutical events
Find out the latest changes from the industry and how to advertise your products properly.

JavaScrip & Web Developement 
You can learn from awesome specialists across America and Europe.




If you have a question, comment, suggestion or event tip to pass along to us, please use the following contact details. We welcome and value your feedback.

Address: 32 Pictor Ion Negullici Street,  Bucharest, Romania
Phone: (+4) 021 231 72 13 – 15
Fax: (+4) 021 231 72 16